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Toni and Adam Bellamy are 4th generation independent liquor merchants. Their family has been providing the public with quality wines and ales almost since the dawn of time. Purveyors of the most commodified of liquor products to the specialisations of each brother. Toni, wine. Adam, Beer. Our blog is to update you on current musings, opinions and events at Platinum Liquor.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

J A I P A Awards. And the Winner is....

I Love Ben Krause's Beers.
They are always well/ super made, thought full and just yum to always to put down.

His American Pale Ale is still the Benchmark that all other Pale Ales in Australia should be tested against. It also kicks Sierra Nevada in the face like a Kangaroo fighting, winning and then eating an American Bald Eagle.

His Chestnut Pilsner strikes a chord with me deeply, I love chestnuts. Where my family is from in Italy Chestnuts are grown and eaten everywhere, especially roasted, especially in winter. Possibly dipped in brandy. YUM.

Batch 500, Smokey Breakfast Lager. That's almost Caligione Brilliant

Not many people thinking like that these days, especially in OZ.

Ben is becoming in my eyes, a complete brewer. One of the first in Australia.
(HA, Eat that Chuck Hahn!!)

The Boys at Feral are definitely up there too.

Displaying a kaleidoscope of beers whilst executing them to a tee.

However, and it wouldn't be a post from Adam if it didn't include an "However".

Ben is worryingly starting to produce way too many hoppy IPA's for my liking.

We currently have his Beachworth Pale Ale, Bling IPA, Stella Single Hop IPA and Galaxy Single Hop IPA. and in the not too distant future his Saison made with Nonge "India Saison" which, and I haven't tasted it yet, but a IPA - Saison hybrid. I shudder at the thought.
Some times taking my favourite beer styles and "Americanising" them, it can smack of lack of imagination, not to mention the feeling of desperation.

Hearing from him the other day, there is a whole string of Single Hop IPA's coming out for Summer.

This has prompted us to nominate Ben and select him for J A I P A membership and the results are in.

BEN....Congratulations your inducted. And What an Honour it is. We don't have medals, we don't issue a certificates, we don't even have complimentary mugs.
Ben will receive a hand shake and a pat on the back, the day that I finally get to meet him (that's right, 90% of the beer people I deal with I have actually never met in person. The sacrifices of being a..Ahemmm Sydney sider)

Your the first J A I P A inductee that hasn't felt the wrath of this vitriolic blog.

This, despite what people might tell you is a good thing.

So, to make it clear for those not paying attention.
Ben Kraus has just been inducted to the J A I P A award (the first Australian) and we now carry his Single Hop Galaxy and Stella varieties.

We also received Ben's Saison (that's so good, I'd probably murder you for one) and his much anticipated Saison Noir.
I am, like most things, sceptical. However our Hannibal Lector theory (you have to try everything once) is always in full swing.

Not a bad days work really.

Now get on in and buy some bloody IPA, errr... I mean beer.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff... Ben and I disagree completely on the good and bad of contract brewing but I have a lot of respect and time for him. Excellent brewer and someone I'd like to get to know a lot more.

    As for the IPA's... I'm basically with you, as a generalisation, but perhaps they'll subsidise all those other beers you and I love so much. And, if so, is that such a bad thing?
