About Me

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Toni and Adam Bellamy are 4th generation independent liquor merchants. Their family has been providing the public with quality wines and ales almost since the dawn of time. Purveyors of the most commodified of liquor products to the specialisations of each brother. Toni, wine. Adam, Beer. Our blog is to update you on current musings, opinions and events at Platinum Liquor.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Acheter Quelque Bière !

Nous avons reçu juste des bières Des Trois Mousquetaires de Brossard, Canada.

Leur ;
Sticke Alt,

Evidemment ces bières sont magnifiques et devrait être acheté aussitôt que probablement.

Si pas Alexandre Dumas livrera sa tombe !

Cependant ils ne font pas l'Inde Pâlir Bières.

(I have obviously know Idea what this means, and possibly neither do you. So come on in and buy some Trois Mousquetaires beer)

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